
How important is good customer service in colocation?

While we often get caught up in the technical aspects of choosing the right colocation provider, let's not forget that good customer service is the secret ingredient that takes this data-driven adventure to new heights.

Colocation Providers—Not Just a Fancy Warehouse for Your Servers!

Imagine you’re in the market for a colocation provider, sifting through an endless array of specifications, redundant power supplies, and cooling systems that could freeze a Yeti. While all these features are undoubtedly crucial, it’s important to remember that a colocation provider is more than just a fancy warehouse for your beloved servers. It’s an experience—an experience that shouldn’t be devoid of old-fashioned good  customer service!

"Hello? Can You Hear Me, or Am I Just Shouting into the Abyss?"

Raise your hand if you’ve ever had the pleasure of calling customer service and feels like you’re conversing with a sentient brick wall. We’ve all been there, desperately explaining our technical woes to someone who seems more interested in their lunch break than your problems. But fear not, dear readers! When it comes to colocation providers, it’s crucial to choose one that understands the concept of human interaction. Instead of being met with silence or a robotic voice, imagine hearing, “Welcome to the Colocation Kingdom! Tell me all about your problems.”

When Server Problems Strike, Heroes Emerge!

In the unpredictable world of data centers and colocation providers, server issues can rear their ugly heads at the most inconvenient times. A colocation provider with top-notch service is like having a super hero on your side. Ok, a bit of over the top but can feel like it during desperate times. Picture this: it’s the dead of night, and your server decides to go on a vacation, leaving you in a digital panic. Instead of reaching out to a technician who treats your emergency like an inconvenience. Instead, picture someone bursting through the door, equipped with technical prowess and a knack for putting you at ease. Who says fixing problems can’t be relaxing?

Going Beyond the Call of Duty!

While good customer service in the colocation world is often associated with technical support, it goes beyond that. A provider worth its weight in kilowatts knows how to go the extra mile. Need an update on your server’s status? How about receiving it in the form of a detailed update? Want to know about scheduled maintenance? Prepare for punctual reporting to keep you informed. Because let’s face it, folks, the world could always use a little more reliability, especially when it comes to data centers.

As you navigate the realm of colocation providers, don't forget the importance of good service. Look beyond the racks and wires and seek a provider that not only ensures your servers are in capable hands but also understands that good customer service is the best way to deal with technological hiccups. Embrace the absurdity of the colocation world and choose a provider that combines technical expertise with the will to assist.